Over 28,000 visitors attend the permanent tsb Ideal Home Show
The permanent tsb Ideal Home Show, which took place this weekend, saw a total of 28,122 people make their way to the RDS Simmonscourt for personalised expert home improvement advice, to engage in live discussions with leading suppliers and walk away with the tools and know-how to make their mark on their homes.

The Permanent TSB Ideal Home Show returns to the RDS
Over 220 exhibitors across the weekend
Increase in Retrofitting…

Cherry Orchard & Ballyfermot to be officially launched as a Sláintecare Healthy Communities Site
Members of the public, community groups and professionals local…

“Mental health crisis among older people not being talked about”: ALONE call for mental health supports for older people at Joint Oireachtas Sub-Committee on Mental Health
Mental health conditions among older people “under-recognised,…

Click&Go Travel Sentiment Survey finds late booking trend Survey shows that 68% of respondents have yet to book their 2023 holiday
Click&Go has released a Travel Sentiment Survey that shows…

This Easter, we need help to allow older people get back out there post pandemic but we need a Government Strategy for Loneliness.
70% of older people that ALONE assessed in Q4 of 2022 reported…

Dublin Learning City Festival starts today!
Dublin Learning City Festival, was officially opened today by…