
A dirt track and in front is a post with the emblem of the Camino de Santiago, white rays emanating on a field of blue

Calling all Walkers to Join us on the Famous Camino de Santiago for ALONE

Walk the Camino to raise funds that will assist the charity perform…
Older lady staring out the window

ALONE’s ECC data for 2024 shows increasing level of need among older people whose voice is less heard

The report provides details on supporting over 43,000 individuals…

ALONE is asking older people across Ireland to seek any support they need during the cold snap

ALONE, who support thousands of older people across the whole…
A lady sitting on a park bench with autumn leaves behind her.

ALONE launches General Election Manifesto to support all older people with housing, health and finance needs

The organisation wants the reality of ageing in Ireland to inform future Programme for Government

ALONE celebrates supporting over 38,000 older people to age at home as part of enhanced community care in 2023

Among the highlights in ALONE’s annual report is evidence of increased community support for older people to age at home.

On International Older Person’s Day, ALONE says Budget measures do not go far enough to provide for older people we support

Charity says older people have been let down by Government promises not kept

ALONE says solutions in housing for older people solve the housing crisis for all

In its submission to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing the organisation calls for targeted housing delivery for older people to help increase housing stock for all

“Taking stock: Is Government keeping its commitments to older people?”

Alliance of Age Sector NGOs call for an Independent Commissioner…

“Taking stock: Is Government keeping its commitments to older people?”

Alliance of Age Sector NGOs call for an Independent Commissioner for Ageing and Older People

Government must act on housing for older people, say ALONE and Threshold

Charities set out 12 recommendations to address deficits…