
“We are heading towards generation after generation experiencing preventable housing issues that are already worsening today.”

Meeting the Housing needs and alternative housing solutions for older people now, will help solve the current issues and future-proof our housing stock for everyone for tomorrow.

ALONE welcome Government’s approval of Sláintecare Implementation Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2023

The organisation believe that this is a positive investment in health care services for all 

ALONE highlights the importance of physical movement to combat frailty among older people re-emerging into society

The organisation is encouraging older people to stay active on National Arthritis Week, taking place from the 12th – 18th of April

ALONE stands with the World Health Organisation in building a fairer, healthier world for all

World Health Day takes place today, Wednesday 7th of April

 ALONE urges Government to begin their plans towards a re-emergence programme for older and medically vulnerable groups

The organisation is disappointed at the lack of planning towards older people in the Government’s announcement.

 “COVID-19 Resilience and Recovery plan, ‘The Path Ahead’ does not address older people”

ALONE is urgently requesting a long-term re-emergence programme for older people and those within socially and medically vulnerable groups

‘Housing Adaptation Grant falls short of meeting housing needs of older people’, says ALONE

While the charity welcomed the investment, it falls short of the estimated €84.5 million needed to help older people make their homes age-friendly

ALONE, Declan O’Rourke and Bonfire team up for the launch of the charity’s ‘Love is the Way” Advertisement campaign

The organisation continues to support older people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, among other issues

It’s ‘Time to Talk’ with ALONE

ALONE has highlighted the increased loneliness among older people as COVID-19 pandemic continues

ALONE seeks clarity on Ireland’s vaccination strategy and implementation for older people

The organisation has reported many callers who are dissatisfied with the information available on the vaccination