
Inclusion and Integration Week 2024 Begins

Promoting Dublin, a City for all, and encouraging social inclusion, integration and diversity. Launch of Community Perspectives on Health Needs and Assets in Sláintecare Healthy Community Programme Areas in Dublin report

Cherry Orchard & Ballyfermot to be officially launched as a Sláintecare Healthy Communities Site

Members of the public, community groups and professionals local…

ALONE calls on Government to implement an immediate and actionable plan for home care services

The organisation urges for a prompt implementation of the strategic plan for vulnerable older people at once, reflective of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

ALONE responds positively to updated Programme for Government  

The organisation has responded to the Programme for Government published earlier today.

ALONE calls for long-term reform of supports for older people in light of COVID-19 crisis 

ALONE, the organisation that supports older people, has called…