‘Savage’ to open in Irish cinemas on 11th September 2020
Wildcard Distribution is delighted to be bringing the debut feature from writer / director Sam Kelly, Savage, to Irish cinemas on Friday 11th September 2020.

Irish Travel Agents Association postpone Annual Conference until April 2021
The ITAA have announced that their Annual Conference will not go ahead this year as the Association adheres to COVID-19 safety guidelines.

ALONE appeal for a reform to the State Pension system in the upcoming budget
The organisation believes that urgent action is required to reform Ireland’s current pension system, to protect the retirement security of current and future pensioners

Saint Maud | in Irish cinemas October 23
Rising star Morfydd Clark, in a breakout performance, and BAFTA and Tony Award-winner Jennifer Ehle come together in this electrifying psychological horror from debut writer/director and Screen ‘Star of Tomorrow’, Rose Glass.

Apple Original Film “Wolfwalkers” To Make Its World Premiere at the 45th Toronto International Film Festival
Apple’s “Wolfwalkers,” the third animated feature from two-time Academy Award-nominee Tomm Moore (“The Secret of Kells,” “Song of the Sea”) and Ross Stewart, co-produced by Cartoon Saloon and Melusine Productions, will make its world premiere as an official selection of the 45th Toronto International Film Festival.

‘A White, White Day’ to open in Irish cinemas on 28th August 2020
Wildcard Distribution is delighted to be bringing Hlynur Palmason’s award-winning drama A WHITE, WHITE DAY to Irish cinemas next Friday, 28th August.

ALONE responds to Nursing Home Report released today with a series of recommendations
The organisation would also like to see a refresh of current guidelines to safeguard older people amid ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

Government issue refreshed advisory to over 70s
ALONE has responded to advice issued today by the National Public Health Emergency Team in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Wildcard Distribution announces Irish & UK release date for Nocturnal in cinemas & VOD platforms on 18th September 2020
Wildcard Distribution is delighted to announce the Irish and UK theatrical and VOD release of the relationship drama NOCTURNAL from Friday 18th September.

We are delighted to share the first trailer for animated family adventure film, Two By Two: Overboard!, which arrives at Irish cinemas this October