
Budget 2022 missed opportunity to make Ireland a country fairer for old and young alike’, says ALONE
The organisation made the comment in response to Budget 2022

‘Pension age increase re-writes the social contract in Ireland’, says ALONE
ALONE rejects Pensions Commission recommendation to increase State Pension age.

ALONE Says Five Euro Increase to Pension Is Unacceptable
ALONE says Budget 2022 must deliver on commitment made by government at setting the State Pension at 34% of average earnings

‘Fuel Allowance accounted for with fees, taxes and increased charges’, says ALONE
The organisation also highlights energy supplier increases of up to nearly €500 this year

‘Budget 2022 must lift older people out of poverty’, says ALONE
The organisation has outlined its key asks in their pre-budget submission to the Department of Social Protection ahead of Budget 2022