
Inclusion and Integration Week 2024 Begins
Promoting Dublin, a City for all, and encouraging social inclusion, integration and diversity.
Launch of Community Perspectives on Health Needs and Assets in Sláintecare Healthy Community Programme Areas in Dublin report

Dublin City Council launches new Communication Boards in Park Playgrounds
The first of Dublin City Council’s new Communication Boards was unveiled this morning in Herbert Park by the Lord Mayor of Dublin Daithí de Róiste and the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth of Ireland, Roderic O’Gorman.

Dublin plans to become world’s first Autism-friendly capital city
New initiative that will see Dublin become the first autism-friendly capital city in the world was announced by The Lord Mayor of Dublin Daithí de Róiste at the launch of Inclusion and Integration Week.

Website to help Ukrainian integration
The Dublin City Ukraine Response Community Noticeboard website…

Dublin, A City For All
Inclusion and Integration Week 2022 aims to encourage social…

Launch of the Travelling Past Photographic Exhibition at Dublin City Hall
The exhibition will give a unique look into the Travelling Community’s…

Dublin a City for All – Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland Launches Inclusion and Integration Week
Dublin City Council’s Integration and Inclusion week was launched…