
Irish Travel Agents Association statement on weather conditions in Spain
Many areas in the east and south of Spain are experiencing severe flooding and extreme weather conditions, with some transport links adversely affected.

Save with a Sun holiday!
As cost of living steadily continues to increase here in Ireland, many retirees are looking to book an extended winter holiday in the sun for three weeks or more. Saving on heating bills with much brighter and warmer days in another country!

Irish Travel Agents Association Welcome the DFA Move to Repatriate Irish Tourists in Spain
There are as many as 20,000 Irish people currently in Spain

Brexit the Biggest and Most Unknown Threat to the Travel Industry
Irish Travel Agents Association reflect on industry challenges at the ITAA AGM

ITAA issues advice for Irish tourists travelling to Catalonia
The Irish Travel Agents Association (ITAA) has issued advice to Irish holidaymakers travelling to Catalonia in Spain

50% of Irish travel agents experience increase in bookings
ITAA Quarterly Survey results correlate with recent CSO travel figures

CEO of ITAA awarded Spanish Order of Civil Merit
Pat Dawson, ITAA CEO, has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Civil Merit at the behest of His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain.

Celebrating Over 1 Million Irish Visitors Travelling to Spain
Figures just released on Irish travel between January and August 2015 from the Spanish Statistical Institute and the Spanish Tourism Office in Ireland.