Dublin City Council to support local areas with Community Grant Scheme
Dublin City Council to support local areas with Community Grant Scheme
Local resident, community, environmental and festival groups will be supported by the grant

Pictured at the launch were: Isabelle Lyons (8), Damaris Beyonce-Tambc (9) and Daniel Kaczorek (8) (glasses) from the After School Education and Support Programme (ASESP), North Wall, Dublin 1,with the Lord Mayor, Daithi de Roiste and Juggler, Ardan Preteau.
Today, Dublin City Council opened an online application process for the Community Grant Scheme. The annual scheme is open to a range of local resident community, environmental and festival groups throughout the city to apply for local area grants.
Community activity and active citizenship will be supported with an emphasis placed on community development and social inclusion initiatives. These will bring an array of benefits to local communities in Dublin.
Lord Mayor of Dublin, Daithí de Róiste, commented, “Dublin City Council Community Grant Scheme is a really important resource for local initiatives in Dublin. I look forward to seeing the benefits it brings to the local communities in our city.”
He continued, “The scheme aims to promote social inclusion and community involvement. The grant can be used for a varied number of activities by the many local community groups in Dublin. Citizens have the wonderful opportunity to get involved with groups that interest them.”
Dublin City Council’s key priorities for Community Grants are an action or initiative that will bring a benefit under the following;
- Development of Communities & Active Citizenship
- Social Inclusion
- Integration and Intercultural
- Adult Education
- Local area issues
Dublin City Council has identified the following key themes that brings benefits to local communities;
- Recreation
- Play
- Educational
- Environmental
- Festival and event
- Children and young people
- Older persons
- People living with a disability
- People at risk of Social / Economic Exclusion
- Health and Wellbeing
- Art, Culture and Heritage
In order to provide a more user friendly and efficient process an online portal for the Community Grant Scheme has been developed to allow for an online application process. This will open 6th July 2023 and close on 18th August 2023. It can be accessed via www.dublincity.ie/residential/improving-my-community/community-grants-and-funding
The maximum value of the Local Area Community Grant is up to €1,500.
The purpose of the Grant is to support local groups who work in one of the priority areas or on a key theme. This is a broad range and includes (but is not limited to):
Local Cultural events Community Associations / Councils Older people
Families Day trips Local Culture / History
Intergeneration events Residents groups Wellbeing
Local festivals / events Local support / services groups Seasonal / festive parties
Summer events / projects Young People and youth groups Keeping active
Local History Gardening/ environment groups Men’s / Women’s groups
Disability interest groups
Local Neighbourhood improvement
The value of the Informal Adult Education Grant is between €200 – €800 per applicant.
The purpose of this grant is to support Informal learning that can be structured or unstructured. It covers a range of activities and topics including but not limited to the following;
Arts & Crafts Mental & Physical Wellbeing Music & Drama
Creative Writing IT / Social Media Skills Personal Development
Cooking Education Trips Flower Arranging
Cultural Exercise / Yoga / Pilates Resident Group Development
Photography Groups at risk of Social Exclusion Men’s / Women’s Groups
Delivery of courses are required to be organised on the basis of blocks of 5; 10; and 15 sessions with each session lasting a minimum of one hour and thirty minutes in duration. The grant can used to pay for a tutor or instructor and related course materials.