
Inclusion and Integration Week 2024 Begins
Promoting Dublin, a City for all, and encouraging social inclusion, integration and diversity.
Launch of Community Perspectives on Health Needs and Assets in Sláintecare Healthy Community Programme Areas in Dublin report

parkHIIT at People’s Park Ballyfermot officially launched
Collaboration between Dublin City Council, Sláintecare Healthy…

‘Empowering Our Future’ supporting People with Disabilities in Dublin into Employment and Self-Employment
Conference addressing Employment Challenges for People with Disabilities, a joint initiative of The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Dublin City Council and TU Dublin.

Dublin City Council unveils plaque to Dublin born literary giant Maeve Brennan, ‘the greatest Irish writer you never heard of’
Maeve Brennan, whose rediscovered writings have won her world wide recognition in the literary world, has been commemorated by a DCC Commemorative Plaque.

Bloody Sunday Bridge plaque unveiled by Dublin City Council
Located in the shadow of Croke Park on Russell Street, this was the site of extreme bloodshed in the midst of the War of Independence on Sunday 21st November 1920.

Dublin City Council to support local areas with Community Grant Scheme
Local resident, community, environmental and festival groups will be supported by the grant

Dublin Learning City Festival starts today!
Dublin Learning City Festival, was officially opened today by…

Dublin Learning City Festival: It’s free, fun and for everyone
Three-day event will promote lifelong learning for all

Website to help Ukrainian integration
The Dublin City Ukraine Response Community Noticeboard website…

Dublin, A City For All
Inclusion and Integration Week 2022 aims to encourage social…